Wednesday 3 June 2009

38. A central heresy.

The formal inversion theory suggests that in due course, on the accumulating evidence, our traditional and much-cherished one-truth thinking conventions will need to be replaced by two-truth thinking conventions.

One helpful way of introducing this heretical idea is to consider the reaction of you, the reader, to the foregoing argument for the theory. When the apparently similarly structured brain forms and mind forms involved in the theory were placed before you (in a deliberately 'broad brush' introductory way) I think it highly likely, on historical evidence, that you adopted one of two main reactions, depending on which of two pivotal thought processes you prefer.

If in general you happen to be more comfortable with your breaking-down than your building-up thought, like say Aristotle, Isaac Newton and Francis Crick (as suggested by their publications) you will have probably found the theory credible or at least arguable and fairly obviously so. Further, you will probably regard it as another small contribution to our brain-based understanding of the mind. Further yet, you will probably regard the mind itself as simply the brain at work and thus as a legitimate subject for scientific study.

If however you happen to be more generally at ease with your building-up than your breaking-down thought, like say Plato, Gottfried Leibniz and David Chalmers (as suggested by their publications) then you will probably find the theory incredible and/or unarguable and fairly obviously so. Further, you will probably regard it as another small contribution to a brain-based misunderstanding of the mind. Further yet, you will probably tend to envisage the mind as involving some dimension beyond the brain at work.

The two mindsets may be used to illustrate the central heresy. The formal inversion theory suggests:
  • that neither of these attitudes represents sole truth to the other's untruth,

  • that both are correct in that they are natural, complementary, mutually inverted, polar products of the same brain wiring, and

  • that there is abundant scientific and philosophical evidence that is compatible with such suggestions.

A recommendation that we replace our traditional one-truth thinking conventions with two-truth thinking conventions is at first sight (like all good heresies) deeply shocking -- and it gets worse. A corollary is that if such heterodoxy became orthodoxy (as heresies have a habit of doing) various famous two-way confrontations in the history of ideas would change their character. They would no longer have the status of Central Problems -- occupying some of our best thinkers in trying to decide which of the persistently double answers is the correct single answer. They would instead assume the status of Obligatory Dualities, warranting new kinds of investigation beyond their necessarily double nature.

This brings us to another intriguing aspect of the central heresy -- and one that amounts to a reinterpretation of philosophy. The formal inversion theory suggests that philosophy owes its emergence as a discipline and its broad structural features to the specific wiring patterns that have been briefly described in this introduction. The emergence of philosophy seems to have been driven by our human attempts to derive single truths from thinking equipment that appears necessarily (anatomically) double and circular -- the double cycles being mutually inverted.

One of the important issues raised by the last paragraph is why humans have continuously expected single answers to philosophical questions despite continually obtaining double ones. A suggested reason is that everyday life requires us to make firm decisions. Double answers to questions such as 'shall we have lunch?' have proved unhelpful. It seems understandable that attitudes born of such daily experience might have overlapped into philosophy. However when it comes to typical philosophical questions about value, knowledge, and existence, we appear less constrained than when arranging lunch. There seems to be no logical imperative that can insist on single answers to philosophical questions and countless double answers in the evolution of philosophy (such as the Platonic-Aristotelian described below) vividly attest to this.

Anyone who has studied Western philosophy is familiar with the double-stranded nature of its development. The contrast between the two strands is often seen as the heart of the subject and so was used by Raphael as the focus of his The School of Athens, pictured here.

One strand is epitomised by Plato (pointing upwards) who urges us to build up our thinking into ever more comprehensive and thus allegedly higher ideas.

The other strand is typified by Aristotle (gesturing downwards) who advocates that we break down our thinking into ever more fundamental and thus allegedly down-to-earth ideas.

It has long been scientifically recognised that the broadly double philosophical pattern bears a striking resemblance to the broadly double arrangement of our working brains. Although both sides of our brains are normally used in continuous combination, in the large majority of people the right brain contribution is biased towards building up or synthetically driven activity and the left towards breaking down or analytically driven activity.

All this provides yet another intriguing implication. Intellectual life has long benefited from various proposed Philosophies of Science. In contrast, the formal inversion theory suggests the beginnings of a proposed Science of Philosophy.

The above contradictions to prevailing paradigms appear to be suitable heresies for our modern age, because they represent scientific challenges to truth concepts at the heart of the aspiring authority of science itself -- hence the title of the main publication mentioned in the side-bar.

This completes the 'broad brush' introduction to the theory.

37. A General Convention for Form - B.

A GENERAL CONVENTION FOR FORM is a suggested practical solution to the many problems emanating from our apparent anatomical obligation to use left-right bicyclic formal inversion as a central neural-mental principle.

The convention is an independent reference frame for thought, in which the general universe of forms (1) is subdivided in two ways.

In the trefoil device, the three great scholarly traditions of philosophy (2), logic (3) and mathematics (4) show overlapping borderlands (5, 6, 7) and share a central area of maximum overlap (8).

In the distracted gradient device, an analytically driven or clockwise reading is that the general universe (1) contains the physical universe (9) which contains the organic universe (10) which contains the human universe (11) -- the brains/minds of which contain the general universe -- which brings us back to (1) again.

A synthetically driven or anticlockwise reading is the inverse of the above.

The apparent evolutionary obligation of our brain wiring patterns to involve left-right bicyclic formal inversion implies new interpretations of many established ideas, some of which seem particularly heretical. Perhaps the most central heresy is described in the next post.

36. A General Convention for Form - A.

DERIVATION. Having looked at the apparently structurally similar brain forms and mind forms of the formal inversion theory, a natural question is, of course -- what next?

It is suggested that scientists and philosophers and others interested in the brain/mind should attempt to develop an independent and neutral reference frame for thought. A proposed first draft for the purpose has been derived by combining the previously explained distracted gradient device (shown top left) and the trefoil device (shown top right) into the device shown below them.

The result is shown in more detail in the next post.

35. Mind forms in human communities - D.

HISTORY. One way to represent the story of Western understanding over the last 3,000 years is to map the apparent balances and imbalances between analytic and synthetic drives against a time-scale, as shown.

A main feature of the map seems to be that for most of the three millennia the story has been dominated by synthetic drives. Arguably the only periods of balance between the drives occurred during the classical Greek Age (say the 6th to 4th centuries BC) and in recent times (say the 17th to the 21st centuries AD).

The reason for the historical synthetic dominance seems to lie in basic differences between the drives. There is strong clinical evidence that right-brain-biased processes meet our immediate needs more readily than left-brain-biased processes. They appear to be our first instinctive responses to the constant stream of new data that our brains receive every day. For these immediate imperatives, our automatic ordering seems to be synthesis first and analysis later --or building-up before breaking-down.

Before leaving mind forms in human communities, it should be noted that this introduction has provided only a few samples. For further examples in subjects such as philology, quantum physics, computer science and various typical mind debates the reader might wish to consult Chapter 9 of the main publication.

34. Mind forms in human communities - C.

IDEOLOGIES. Other formally inverted dualities occur when human beings seek some 'everything' to justify belief. The main traditions seem grounded in the usual formal drives -- either analytically or synthetically driven.

For analytically driven people this 'everything' has typically been some ultimate content, in which the human, organic or physical universes have been broken down into perceived essentials -- as for example in humanism, organicism and physicalism.

For synthetically driven people the everything has been some all-embracing form, in which the general universe has been envisaged as being built up into perceived systems -- as in various Western and Eastern religions.

Readers requiring more details might wish to consult pages 192-193 of the main publication.

33. Mind forms in human communities - B.

POLITICS. One formally inverted duality of politics is that the left wing variety (epitomised in the famous battle-cry 'liberty, equality, fraternity' with its perceived overarching theme of rationality) appears to have the main features of left brain drives whereas the right wing variety (based on such watchwords as 'authority, hierarchy, property' with its perceived overarching theme of conservation) seems to show the main features of right brain drives.

Readers requiring more details on the apparent political implications of the formal inversion theory might wish to consult pages 186-191 in the main publication.

Tuesday 2 June 2009

32. Mind forms in human communities - A.

CULTURES. There are various formally inverted dualities that may be termed cultural (including the political and ideological dualities to be mentioned shortly) but one obvious example is the perceived separation between the Arts and the Sciences, which was epitomised in the famous Two Cultures debate of the 1950s.

For the present introductory purposes it is sufficient to remind the reader that the Arts appear synthetically driven or right brain biased and the Sciences analytically driven or left brain biased. For a fuller discussion see pp. 184-5 of the main publication.